~Petco Park~

~June 20, 2007 Orioles vs. Padres~

~June 22, 2007 Red Sox vs. Padres~

Tony Gwynn Drive - the man deserves the whole peninsula!
Outside of the park - to me, sadly, this was the best part. Oh - I had to pour out my open water bottle before entering. ?!?
The field with San Diego in background.
Will someone let these kids out? :-) They were waiting for home run batting practice balls.
Ok - jalapenos out number onions 2 to 1, but they are all REAL!
Family picnic and play area beyond left field.
Home team bull pen - nice and safe behind the fence...
Visiting team bull pen... what? You can't see it? It is that mound along the right foul line....

Countdown for Tony.

Nice poster of Trevor Hoffman. I didn't get to see him pitch. The game circumstances were never right for him to come in.
The Padre himself... I just missed the chicken by 3 games... they were saving him for the game on July 4.
Action shot...
Actually it was a pretty boring game, until..... Yep - a guy ran out on the field and the security team tackled him.
See - it was a pretty boring game.... and it wasn't even as close as the score.
NOW FOR THE BIG MATCHUP!!! Red Sox vs. Padres! Dice-K vs. Maddux!
It was 80s retro night. Even the scoreboard was in retro font.
Big Papi after he took batting practice with an aluminum bat.
Big Papi as Mr. T.
Greg as... um... I guess they couldn't 80 him up.
Dice-K. This is why he had early success - can't see the ball during the wind up.
Ball hit back to Maddux.
Final score - yep - I saw Maddux in person - Maddux lost.

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