~Vermont Page 2~

State Capital : Montpelier Origin of state's name: Based on "verts monts," French for green mountains

Hey, look! A man taking a picture of a moose!!! OR IS IT???
HMMMMM.... Pretty great! I thought this was just too funny to not take a picture!
Ahh... The traditional Vermont scene! Sheep and.... A CAMEL???!!!???
Clyde is ready for his close up! Ok, so I have no idea if his name is Clyde, but seems right for him! Just to make sure we are clear, here... This is a Camel... In Vermont... NOT in a zoo. (Notice the silo in the background and the patches of snow on the ground.)
Traci and Clyde!! It was too cold, so Clyde was headin' in! The round barn that was the marker of where to look for Clyde.
Cool picture... Or at least I thought. And finally, one last traditional Vermont shot...


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