~Colorado Page~

State Capital : Denver Motto: Nil sine Numine (Nothing without Providence)

Sept 2015 (there are pictures in between 07 and now... but just not posting here)
TheHomeRanchStarOk, this may be cheating... but The Home Ranch is in the book, and I 'visited' there. This is the sign at the begining of the drive. I drove in and it looks like a small dude ranch. Not sure I'd spend the money they are asking just to 'thorougly check' it off.
Sept 2007
StarRocky Mtn National Park / Estes Park, CO (3 of many pics)
July 2007
May 2007
  Why isn't the Continental Divide a 'place to visit'??  
2006 trip to CO
Boulder Falls    
1996 trip to CO
Outside Coors Denver Mint Vail, CO
Outside Coors Denver Mint Vail, COStar
Vail, CO Vail, CO
Vail, CO
Vail, CO Vail, CO Vail, CO
Vail, CO
Vail Clock
Creek in Vail
Vail, CO (the Clock is in sight) Vail Clock Creek in Vail
This is where I went Rafting. These are from the brochure, but we went under this bridge! It hailed and rained and was sunny and we rafted with Kieran and 'Bugly' the dog. I used Clear Creek Rafting.
From 1984

Pictures from my backyard... sigh...

The duck was wanting his picture taken, so I had to oblige These weren't so keen, but I took a picture any way
My favorite park Just a normal day driving home....

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