~Charles Schulz Museum~

This should be on everyone's list of places to see. In Santa Rosa, CA. http://schulzmuseum.org/.


Greetings from Chuck

This is a huge wall of tiles of the strip.

This is an example of the tile
I visited on Veteran's day and the special exhibit for the month of November was on the Red Baron. I learned so much about Charles Schulz the veteran and that during the Vietnam war, he never once drew Snoopy and the Baron.   It was mentioned that you could tell the mood of Charlie Brown just by a few pencil strokes.
This is off the nursery wall of Charles' eldest son. It was a house they had lived in in Colorado and had been painted over. An owner was taking down the wallpaper and paint and realized what was under it all. They carefully removed the WHOLE WALL and shipped it to the museum. You can see the ancestors of Sally (left with balloon) and Snoopy. On the grounds, across the street from the museum is Snoopy's Ice Rink where you can skate and have a snack. Since it was a holiday it was CROWDED so I didn't skate, but I watched for a bit. Replica of the star on the Hollywood walk of fame.

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