~Prince Edward Island Page~

Province Capital: Charlottetown

Below pics are from visit to Prince Edward Island in December 2007

Confederation Bridge - The longest bridge over ice covered waters in the world, joining Borden-Carleton, Prince Edward Island and Cape Jourimain, New-Brunswick. The 12.9 km structure was completed in May 1997 and carries two lanes of traffic. You have to pay to depart PEI but not to go on.

Windsurfing - Canadian style.
A nice landscape view on PEI. I can just imagine Anne walking across the hill.
Lucy Maud Montgomery's birth home. It, along with most things on PEI was closed.
They have an Avonlea 'village'. This, too, was closed. They do reenactments.
Luckily, Green Gables wasn't totally closed. It was closed on Saturday, though. I thought that was odd - open Sun - Thurs.
Even though Green Gables was closed, there was a sign to feel free to walk around. So I did.
This has nothing to do with any thing - I just thought it was a great house.
I took this picture of the North Shore on Saturday. Remember what this looks like - there will be a quiz later.
I kept looking and looking because I just KNEW there should be seals there, and I finally found this guy.
Yes, PEI has several lighthouses, since it is an island.
So, this was taken on Sunday. Notice the weather difference from the earlier picture? I told you there was a quiz.
Red clay dirt. Similar to Georgia. Odd...
Green Gables on Sunday. They had it nicely decorated for Christmas.
In the museum was several journal extracts.
Green Gables.
Green Gables... well, that was the main reason I was here!
Yes, they were open, but I was the only one there, so I got a private tour.
The snow was coming down pretty good.
The dining room.
Living room - you can see the dining room through the door.
'Anne's' room.
They had it decorated in period Christmas decorations. Right down to a gift from Gilbert to Anne.
I can imagine Anne looking out the window to see who was arriving. (Yes, I know she was fictional.)
The kitchen, again. The original part of the house actually ended with the dark floor area. The 2nd generation added the other part.
An amusement park!! Yep - closed. I need to come back in the summer.

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